The first thing that amused me when I stepped out of the Pittsburgh Int'l Airport on the night of July 12th 2004 was the shining sun who did not want to retire for the day. It was around 7.20 PM - I was so tired due to the 30+ hours air travel and the then-not-diagnosed motion/air sickness. The short time destination became a second homeland outside of India 3 years later.

Pittsburgh, the city of bridges as it is being called, is also my amma veedu in America; my closest relatives by blood and by acquaintance are here. I Have made some good friends and have known some lovely people. My driving skills flourished in the single lane roads (or streets!!) of Pittsburgh. 6 years and 7 months in the same city is quite enough to be attached to the place, is it not? There was a time I wanted to move out of this place but not now. It seems to be a mix of emotions at this point.

Pittsburgh, the city of bridges as it is being called, is also my amma veedu in America; my closest relatives by blood and by acquaintance are here. I Have made some good friends and have known some lovely people. My driving skills flourished in the single lane roads (or streets!!) of Pittsburgh. 6 years and 7 months in the same city is quite enough to be attached to the place, is it not? There was a time I wanted to move out of this place but not now. It seems to be a mix of emotions at this point.
Though I lived in Pitt for quite some years, I have never been to the farms to do apple/strawberry/flower picking, never been to Wheeling ISKON temple and Baba temple which are some of the usual destinations of visitors and residents. Kept them as places to see when I become a visitor to Pitt in the next few months.
I am excited for the change of place but will surely miss the quiet living, quicker commute to work, my kids’ school and the wonderful teachers there. I had been to the Niagara Falls 6 times out of the 7 summers I spent here in Pitt – that will surely be missed. I just made sure there are eggless cakes available in my destination too else Tamarind’s cakes will also feature in this list.
What I am looking forward to? India like living (excluding chaotic roads, traffic yet no honks), more music and drama, easy travel to Chennai, close proximity to long-time friends, beaches, lots of places to eat South Indian food.
Yes, excited that I will be residing at the Indian hub of America - N E W J E R S Y. Here I come, in about a week's time!!!
PS: Interesting things happen in my life in December - this is a sure thing to count as per this..
PS: Interesting things happen in my life in December - this is a sure thing to count as per this..